
Six Smartphone Apps That Help Organize Your Life

January 14th, 2014 0 Comment

Often, our smartphones are a major distraction rather than a tool that increases productivity. If we’re not refreshing our email inboxes, we’re scrolling through our Twitter feeds or – if we’re feeling particularly indulgent – trying to beat that last level of Candy Crush.  But our smartphones can be a valuable organizational tool. We just need. Continue Reading

Category: Tips/Tools

How to Feng Shui Your Home Office

January 8th, 2014 1 Comment

Best selling self-help author, W. Clement Stone, once wrote, “You are a product of your environment.” Nowhere is that statement truer than in your home office. Many of us have experienced the negative effects an office space can have on our productivity. Harsh lighting, uncomfortable furniture, and cluttered desks can all combine to make our. Continue Reading

Category: Lifestyle

Twitter for Entrepreneurs Only?

June 18th, 2010 0 Comment

Looking for a more targeted channel to connect with other entrepreneurs? is a new social network designed for entrepreneurs and start ups from around the world to meet and collaborate.  It’s a great way to connect with other like-minded individuals to share ideas, get feedback and network for joint ventures. With all the noise. Continue Reading

True Wealth: The Ultimate Goal of the Spiritual Entrepreneur

June 9th, 2010 1 Comment

As entrepreneurs we all want to achieve success. But have you ever noticed the difference between “successful” people. Some seem to have it all–money, social standing, family, beautiful homes–everything any one could ask for; yet they end up with drug and alcohol problems, unhappy, self-destructive or worse.  And then there are those with all of. Continue Reading