September 2nd, 2016
According to the dictionary, a visionary (noun) is “a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.” But often others are threatened by new and different ways of doing and thinking of things. For the visionary, especially a Solopreneur, we can often feel isolated and often treated like we are. Continue Reading
August 16th, 2016
Last month in New York City over 300 of today’s women leaders came together for the Forbes Women Summit: Power Redefined. This year’s theme was fittingly “The Entrepreneurship of Everything” with the primary thread of thought presented being that in order to effect change, one must take on the entrepreneurial mindset, spirit, and approach in. Continue Reading
March 30th, 2016
What is feminine power and how do we effectively use it to inspire and lead others? In many ways feminine power is paradoxical: It is strong, but not forceful It is expressive, but not through words It has emotional backbone, but is vulnerable It’s no wonder men have been confused on how to deal with. Continue Reading
March 25th, 2016
How To Find Your Feminine Voice No matter your gender, discovering your voice as an entrepreneur is always the first (and often the hardest) step in starting your own business. Before you throw yourself onto the world’s stage, you have to understand what your message is and why you should be the one to share. Continue Reading
March 19th, 2016
The rise of female leaders nationally and globally is proving to have a huge affect on what leadership means in the modern world. While the business world is largely accustomed to the way men do things, as they still fill the majority of leadership roles, new studies reveal that the different leadership styles of women. Continue Reading
July 22nd, 2014
We want to experience that white dress feeling again–that time when we were young, innocent and naive. When the whole world was an oyster and around every corner was a new pearl waiting to be discovered. The joy of living just was. It needed no reason, no explanation. We were happy just to be. There. Continue Reading
March 11th, 2014
It’s no surprise that women hold the key to our future. Not only in the obvious sense, as it is women who will give birth to future generations, but women entrepreneurs and leaders are changing the corporate, political, and economic landscapes. Despite the fact that only 3% of Fortune 500 CEO’s are women, the McKinsey. Continue Reading
March 3rd, 2014
While social innovation isn’t exclusive to women business owners, many female entrepreneurs are leading the way by making giving back an important part of their business models. The emerging trend of 4th sector business, where the line between corporations and non-profits is becoming increasingly more blurred, has encouraged many entrepreneurs to consider how they can inspire change. Continue Reading