I just released a new eReport today-The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success, the first in an installment of my Living from the Core series.
We live in a world that is increasingly focused on the bottom line. Business is conducted with emphasis on sales and careers and selected more on making money rather than on what inspires and sparks us. In spite of this concentration on the financial aspects of life, people continue to exhibit higher levels of debt and depression than any time in history.
In the wake of the worst recession since the 1930s, you have to ask yourself, “Why? And how do I break the cycle?”!
- Feel like you’ve lost balance and you live to work, not work to live?
- Do you struggle with how to maintain your authenticity in the business world?
- When you look around in the marketplace do you wonder how to be successful without losing yourself or your integrity?
- Does the traditional definition of success just not jive with what you know to be true?
- Are you looking for a new business opportunity and everything you see just totally turns you off?
- Do you have the burning entrepreneurial spirit but you just can’t reconcile the business world with your values, passions and goals?
I faced all the same struggles, built a successful multi-million dollar business, only to find that although I had achieved “success” I didn’t feel wealthy. In this report I’ll share with you what I have learned on how to achieve true wealth and success.
This report reveals:
- How to find and enjoy real wealth
- How to not only embrace your authenticity, but how to use that to position yourself as a leader in your industry
- Why both your strengths and flaws are key to attracting paying customers to your business
- How to align yourself with a business opportunity to achieve joy and fulfillment
- Where to access authentic power and how to use it to drive your business to incredible success
- The key to “working smarter, not harder” that goes completely against the puritan work ethic
The first step in breaking this cycle is self-awareness, or awareness of the “core” of the matter, your “Core”. Your “Core” is your inner sphere, that critical piece where all the aspects of your life meet–physical, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual. When we compartmentalize and focus solely on our “financial” selves, we become slaves to our income. We either both spend it all and assume debt to furnish our lifestyle, or we save it all for a tomorrow that may never come.
In contrast, when you focus your Core on finding success as a spiritual entrepreneur, you open the possibility to make and enjoy real wealth. Material wealth is only one aspect of the concept of success, and a rather narrow one at that.
Success is more of a journey than a destination. Yes, it involves material wealth, but it also includes health, an enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, freedom for expression and peace of mind. When you overlook one aspect of success for another, you disrupt the natural flow and ease that is possible when you align your Core with your journey toward success.
There is a universal set of laws that is true for everyone. While it is often believed that we separate our work from our personal beliefs, the Spiritual Entrepreneur knows that these universal laws are in fact truths that guide everything in life, especially business. These are the truths that our Core uses as its guide to assist us with the natural flow towards happiness, fulfillment and success. This document presents the marriage of these truths with business requirements to provide a guide to success for the Spiritual Entrepreneur.
To receive your free copy of this eReport, enter your name and email address in the form located in the top right-hand corner of this page. Your report will be instantly downloaded.
I welcome your comments and input.
Thanks everyone for your input! I’ve pulled the eReport, it’s being revamped and infused, and it will soon be released as an eBook! Enter your name and email address in the subscription form in the top right-hand corner of this page and you will receive a copy of the report for FREE when it arrives!