True Wealth: The Ultimate Goal of the Spiritual Entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs we all want to achieve success.

But have you ever noticed the difference between “successful” people. Some seem to have it all–money, social standing, family, beautiful homes–everything any one could ask for; yet they end up with drug and alcohol problems, unhappy, self-destructive or worse.  And then there are those with all of the same visible signs of success, yet they are able to sustain it over the long haul.   These are usually the charismatic leaders of our society and present themselves as warm, compassionate and sincere.

So what makes the difference?

Those that align themselves with only the outer signs of wealth, align with their inner self or ego.  The other group that experiences TRUE wealth has aligned themselves with their Core, or higher-self.  They both have achieved the same material results, but those aligned with their Core understand that their success has come from within and is not the result of external forces.

Those that relate only to the ego often realize that the material things they thought would bring them happiness did little to bring them joy and they seek in desperation for that which will.  What do you do when you think you have it all only to realize you have nothing? Additionally, thinking that all they received has come from external sources, they are in constant fear of losing what they have.

The truely successful realize that they are no better or worse than anyone else but have figured out how to tap into their inner power.   A sense of peace envelops them knowing that outer circumstances can never strip them of that power and that all they have attained can be regained, because the source which produces their success is always present within them.

The mere acknowledgement of this fact increases the charisma (vibrational level) of these people and they emanate this energy.  In doing so, they attract all of the circumstances that allow them to easily obtain the items that we typically consider to be success.  Along with this level of being comes a general sense that success is not just a state of having but a blessing to be shared with others.

In “Power vs. Force”, David Hawkins describes three steps in the ladder of success:

1) It is what one “has” that counts-material wealth

2) It is what one “does” that counts-social standing, position

3) It is what one has “become” though life experiences that counts-this is the stage of alignment with inner power, your Core

It is at stage three that we achieve TRUE wealth.  This doesn’t mean you don’t have material wealth, in fact those things come easily. It is inner joy, peace and fulfillment that are the rewards of TRUE wealth and this is the ultimate goal of the Spiritual Entrepreneur.

2017-09-13T16:25:33+00:00Uncategorized|0 Comments

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