How to Create a Purpose-Driven Plan [workbook included]

Last week we looked at how to discover your purpose and you should be well on your way in exploring what you life purpose is.  If you haven’t done this, don’t worry because you can fall back on our Collective Purpose-“to love + be loved” as we work through this exercise.

Plan Elements

First let’s step through the basic elements of your plan:

  1. Purpose
  2. Objectives
  3. Goals
  4. Strategy
  5. Actions/tasks
  6. Milestones

1. Focus on Your Purpose

Let’s briefly run through each of these and then instead of going into detail on each of these, I want to focus on using your Purpose to define your objectives.  Even though we won’t go into all of that right now, I’ve provided a workbook for you at the bottom of this post that you can download that explains all the steps and provides examples.


2. Define Your Objectives

While focusing on your Purpose, when creating a plan, the first thing you will define are your objectives.  Your objectives state how you will manifest your Purpose. Looking at my business purpose, my Purpose is to help women entrepreneurs over forty to CorePower their life and business.  An example of one of my objectives is to help women discover their Core and build a profitable business doing what they love.

3. Create SMART Goals

Next you will define your goals.  Your goals define very specifically what it will look and feel like to accomplish your objectives.  Your goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.–Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-specific.

4. Create a Strategy

Now you will need to determine what your strategy will be to reach your goals.  If you stated one of your goals is to increase your income by 100% by the end of the year, then you need to decide how you are going to do this.  So your strategy may be to introduce products along with your service offerings. Remember to always refer back to your Purpose to make sure your goal is supporting your Purpose.

5. Define Actions and Tasks

Now we get to the tactical side—for each goal using the strategies you developed, you will define and actions you need to take to get you there.  So it you are going to develop a product to sell to meet your goal of increasing your income by 100% by the end of the year, you will need to write out all of the steps needed to accomplish this and how long each will take.

6. Create Milestones

Next you will add in milestones, which are tangible deliverables you will produce along the way as a result of your actions that will get you to your goals.  For example, your first deliverable may be an outline or overview of your new product offerings.

Main Business Planning Topics

So those are all the key elements of defining a purpose-driven plan, but let’s go back and looker closer at defining our objectives based on our purpose. Keeping your purpose in mind as you really look at what your objectives are—what you want to accomplish, you’ll look at four main areas:

  1. Service – How can I help my clients/customers to be more successful – achieve better results, do it faster, easier, cheaper?
  2. Financial – How will I increase profits/ revenues?
  3. Social – How will I help other people, my community,  and the planet?
  4. Growth – How do I plan to expand – product/service offerings, additional staff, number of clients, new market segments, new geographic areas, etc.

This will really help you delve deep into how you want to manifest your purpose and ensure that everything you subsequently develop in your plan will support your purpose. Keep in mind a plan is a living document and is meant to be a direction and guide.  As a CorePowered Entrepreneur you’ll be tapping into your Core on a regular basis and using your internal guidance to help you navigate your course and modify your plan as you self correct.  Evaluate your plan regularly throughout the year and modify it as necessary.  Never stick to a goal that no longer makes sense just so you can say you accomplished it!

I hope this helped to clarify the steps in developing a Purpose-Driven Plan and make sure you download the workbook provided on the website at the bottom of this video blog post.  You’ll want to do each of these steps for all areas of your life as well as your business so you can keep your life balanced.

Next week we’ll continue looking at Purpose and Planning and look at What To Do When The Plan Isn’t Going As Expected.

Until then remember, TRUE wealth comes from within.


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